Connect with Peace Button and help
spread this movement all over the World!

Can you translate:
Peace Inside = Peace Outside = Peace in The World
into your language?

“I began collecting translations of the Peace Button chant every time I met a native speaker. I have not used a computer translator - no!
That is why I need your help!
Did you know that there are 6-7000 languages spoken on Earth?!
Because I can not reach all of those communities; friends; working in the Amazon etc have been asking tribal elders to translate.
Sometimes the language is not even written.
To keep alive a language is to honour the heritage and culture of those who speak it. I am happy that Peace Button is helping.” — P.K. the Peace Kid.

Translate the Peace Button Chant in to your language! Send it into us and we will add it to our global language collection
better still, upload a short video of yourself speaking the chant in your language. Remember to light it well, speak clearly and smile!
e mail it to P.K. at: 
My translation

Or email direct: